This seminar will take place on May 9 at 15:30. The seminar will be in a hybrid format with:
in-person session in the IST Alameda Campus, Department of Engineering and Management's Meeting Room
online, via Zoom
Our seminars are free to attend and open to everyone. Please share with whomever may be interested.
The notion of metrizable ordinal proximity measure is a suitable tool to represent the perceptions about the proximities between the linguistic terms of a qualitative scale in an ordinal way. This notion has been applied to several multi-criteria decision-making problems. Individuals show their opinions on a set of alternatives regarding different criteria, each one under a specific qualitative scale equipped with a metrizable ordinal proximity measure. A ranking on the set of alternatives is obtained through a normalization procedure and an aggregation process.
Speaker's bio
José Luis García Lapresta received a PhD in Mathematics from the Universitat de Barcelona (Spain). He is currently a Full Professor of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Management in Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Departamento de Economía Aplicada, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain. He is the coordinator of the PRESAD (Preferences, Social Choice and Decision Aid) Research Group of Universidad de Valladolid and area editor of the international journal Fuzzy Sets and Systems. He has been the coordinator of the Economics Doctorate Program, Universities of Burgos, Salamanca and Valladolid (2013-2020).
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