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Ana Póvoa awarded with a 2023 Caixa Geral de Depósitos/Universidade de Lisboa Scientific Award

CEGIST member Ana Paula Barbosa-Póvoa was awarded with the 2023 Caixa Geral de Depósitos/Universidade de Lisboa Scientific Award in the field of Management and Economics. This annual award is attributed for publication excellence in internationally recognised journals and books.

Decision Analysis Practice Award

The research “Fostering participation and knowledge construction processes in real settings through decision analysis and collaborative value modelling”, by Carlos A. Bana e CostaMónica Duarte Oliveira and Ana Vieira was awarded with the Decision Analysis Practice Award. This research addresses the challenge of effectively engaging many stakeholders and experts in real-world decision analysis processes, both for knowledge construction and for stakeholder engagement, with the development of the Collaborative Value Modeling (CVM) framework. The CVM combines large-scale participatory Web-Delphi processes with smaller-scale decision conferencing or workshop processes to promote agreement in different modeling stages of multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA).

The Decision Analysis Practice Award highlights an outstanding contribution to the practice of Decision Analysis and is sponsored jointly by the Decision Analysis Society and the Society of Decision Professionals. It is given annually to the best decision analysis application, as judged by a panel of members of both Societies and this year winners were announced during the INFORMS conference held recently in Phoenix, AZ.

Check out the presentation video > Click here

Best EJOR Paper 2023

The scientific article “Building disaster preparedness and response capacity in humanitarian supply chains using the Social Vulnerability Index”, by CEGIST members Ana Póvoa and Susana Relvas, was awarded the “Best EJOR Paper 2023”, in the category of Innovative Applications in Operational Research, by EURO – The Association of European Operational Research Societies. In this study, with participation of researchers from the United Kingdom, Colombia and Brazil, a new approach to the humanitarian supply chain is proposed, seeking to reinforce the response capacity in territories traditionally occupied by people with greater social vulnerability and where the lack of resources makes usually insurmountable supply of victims' needs. The award selects annually the three best articles published in the scientific journal EJOR – European Journal of Operational Research, in the categories of best research article; better application and better theory/methodology.


Isabel Themido Award 2022 | APDIO

The paper "Enhancing knowledge construction processes within multicriteria decision analysis: The Collaborative Value Modelling framework", by CEGIST members Ana VieiraMónica Oliveira and Carlos Bana e Costa, was awarded with the Isabel Themido Award, in the latest edition of the Portuguese Association for Operational Research | APDIO Congress. The paper, published in Omega 94 (2020) 102047, proposes a new Collaborative Value Modelling framework, that combines Delphi and multicriteria decision conferencing, to build widely informed evaluation models. 

Best Paper Award 2022 | Society of Open Innovation

The research work "Digitalizing the Pillars of Hybrid Civic Universities", developed by CEGIST members João Leitão and Dina Pereira, within the scope of the R&I LOOP project and funding from the Erasmus+ program, was distinguished with the Best Paper Award, at the annual conference of the Society of Open Innovation (SOI), held from July 6 to 9, at Swansea University in Wales, UK. The paper revisits the traditional tripartite mission of Higher Education Institutions and, based on a systematic literature review, contributes, in an innovative way, to identify the pillars of Hybrid Civic Universities.


INFER Policy Research Award for the Best Policy Paper

The INFER Annual Conference - the main annual event of the International Network for Economic Research – took place in September 8 to 10th 2021. Professors Hugo Castro Silva and Francisco Lima, members of CEG-IST, presented the paper "The Struggle of Small Firms to Retain High-Skill Workers: Job Duration and the Importance of Knowledge Intensity” and were awarded with INFER Policy Research Award for the Best Policy Paper. This award aims to recognize papers with a clear policy focus with relevant policy implications based on an excellent research methodology.

Gold Medal of the International Society on MCDM (Multiple Criteria Decision Making)

The CEGIST researcher José Rui de Matos Figueira became the first Portuguese awarded with the International Society on MCDM (Multiple Criteria Decision Making) Gold Medal. This medal was delivered at a solemn session held on July 13, 2017, in Ottawa, Canada, and is the highest honor that the International Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making bestows upon a scholar who, over a distinguished career, has markedly contributed to the theory, methodology, practice and professional development of MCDM.

Herbert Simon Award for Outstanding Contribution in Information Technology and Decision Making

Professor Carlos Bana e Costa, a researcher at CEG-IST, received the 2018 Herbert Simon Award for Outstanding Contribution in Information Technology and Decision Making, awarded by the International Academy of Information Technology and Quantitative Management (IAITQM). The award ceremony took place in Granada, Spain, in November 2019.