This seminar will take place on April 10 at 12:00. The seminar will be in a hybrid format with:
- in-person session in the IST Alameda Campus, Department of Engineering and Management's Meeting Room
- online, via Zoom
Our seminars are free to attend and open to everyone. Please share with whomever may be interested.
To implement a circular business model, companies must instigate transformative changes at the supply chain level, engaging various stakeholders within and beyond their organisational boundaries through collaborative and open innovation efforts. However, existing literature lacks successful examples of companies implementing circular economy principles and practical guidance on the strategies firms should employ to effectively coordinate resources and capabilities for Sustainability- Oriented Innovation within Circular Supply Chains. The seminar provides valuable insights into strategies and practices conducive to implementing a circular business model and achieving triple- bottom-line outcomes in the Textile and Fashion Industry. Based on the evidence from an in-depth field study, the seminar will introduce a novel process model explaining how to tailor different Resource Orchestration mechanisms to different Sustainability-Oriented Innovation initiatives to implement a sustainable and circular business model. The seminar will cover topics at the intersection of Circular Supply Chain Management, Sustainability-Oriented Innovation, and Resource Orchestration theory. This seminar will also delve into the evolution of supply chain structures and relationships within the specific context of an industrial district facing the opportunities and challenges associated with the European Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textile.
Speaker's bio
Filippo Visintin is Associate Professor of Service Design and Management at the School of Engineering of Florence University. He is Scientific Director of the Information-Based Industrial Services Laboratory and a member of the Italian Management Engineering Association. He is co-founder of SmartOperations srl, a University of Florence's spin-off now part of the Digital360 group. He is the national coordinator of the RESTART Project (REsilient, SusTainable and circulAr leatheR and Textile supply chains) funded by the Next-Generation EU Plan. His research interests include servitization of manufacturing, healthcare operations management, discrete-event simulation and circular economy. He is the author of several research papers published in prestigious international journals such as the European Journal of Operational Research, Omega, Industrial Marketing Management, International Journal of Production Economics, Computers in Industry, Computers and Industrial Engineering, Flexible Service and Manufacturing Journal, Management Decision, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Production Planning and Control, Sustainable Production and Consumption and IMA Journal of Management Mathematics. He served as guest editor for Management Decision and Flexible Service and Manufacturing Journal.