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LCA in Action at PROSYS: From Waste to Value

Alameda Campus, DEG Meeting Room and Online |

As part of CEGIST's seminar series, we are proud to announce that Carina L. Gargalo (PROSYS) will present the work "LCA in Action at PROSYS: From Waste to Value".

This seminar will take place on July 2 at 15:00. The seminar will be in a hybrid format with:

Our seminars are free to attend and open to everyone. Please share with whomever may be interested.

Carina Gargalo
Carina L. Gargalo


This presentation offers an in-depth review of various case studies conducted within the PROSYS Research Centre, focusing on the critical areas of waste recovery, valorization, circularity, industrial symbiosis, and their collective impact on sustainability. By exploring these case studies, we aim to illuminate the potential of these practices in transforming waste into valuable resources across diverse sectors, emphasizing the principles of the circular economy. The findings demonstrate that implementing these practices and technologies significantly reduces waste generation, enhances resource conservation, and decreases greenhouse gas emissions. This presentation aims to be a valuable resource for practitioners and researchers, providing practical insights and actionable strategies for understanding and adopting sustainable practices in their respective fields.


Speaker's bio

Carina L. Gargalo is a dedicated researcher at PROSYS, where her work primarily revolves around the intersection of sustainability and digitalization. Her research mainly focuses on waste recovery and valorization, aiming to transform what is often seen as 'waste' into valuable resources. Her expertise lies in the LCA and techno-economic assessment alongside digitalization, modeling, simulation, and optimization of chemical and biochemical processes. Carina's work is driven by a strong commitment to bringing sustainability to the forefront of decision-making in these sectors. She firmly believes that it is through collective efforts that significant steps can be taken towards a more sustainable future.