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8th Workshop on Combinatorial Optimization

The 8th Workshop on Combinatorial Optimization will take place at the Faculty of Sciences (presencial), Universidade de Lisboa, October 4, 2024, from 9:45 a.m to 3:00 p.m, room 6.2.33. This Workshop is co-organized by three research centers of the University of Lisboa (ULisboa), namely, CMAFcIO (Center for Mathematics, Fundamental Applications and Operations Research, Faculty of Sciences), the MOSAIC group of CEGIST (Centro de Estudos de Gestão, IST – Técnico Lisboa), and CEMAPRE (Centro de Matemática Aplicada à Previsão e Decisão Económica, ISEG – Lisbon School of Economics and Management).

Following the previous editions, this 8th edition will once again gather specialists in the field of Combinatorial Optimization.

9:45 − 10:00 | Opening
Luís Gouveia (CMAFcIO), José Rui Figueira (coordinator of the MOSAIC group of CEGIST) and Cândida Mourão (CEMAPRE)
chair: Cândida Mourão

10:00 − 10:30 | An iterated local search algorithm for the traveling purchaser problem 
Tomás Kapancioglu (CEMAPRE)
joint work with: Raquel Bernardino (CEMAPRE & ISEG, ULisboa)

10:30 - 11:00 | Formulations and Branch-and-cut algorithms for the Period Travelling Salesman Problem 
Sofia Henriques (CMAFcIO, ULisboa)
joint work with: Ana Paias (CMAFcIO, ULisboa)

11:00 - 11:15 | Coffee  Break
chair: Luís Goveia

11:15 - 12:00 | Branch-and-cut algorithms for colorful components problems 
Claudia Archetti (University of Brescia)
joint work with: Carmine Sorgente(University of Salerno) | Martina Cerulli (University of Salerno)

12:00 - 13:30 | Lunch  Break
chair: José Rui Figueira

13:30 - 14:00 | On extensions of Node-Depot Assignment Formulations for the Hamiltonian p-Median Problem 
Francisco Canas (CMAFcIO, ULisboa)
joint work with: Luís Gouveia (CMAFcIO, ULisboa)

14:00 - 14:30 | Synchronization in Vehicle Routing: Optimization-Simulation Approach 
Raquel Bernardino (CEMAPRE & ISEG, ULisboa)
joint work with: Daniel Santos (CEGIST & IST, ULisboa) | Filippo Visintin (Department of Industrial Engineering, Università degli Studi di Firenze)

14:30 - 15:00 | Revisiting a Cornuéjols-Nemhauser-Wolsey formulation for the p-median problem
Cristina Requejo (ISEG and CEMAPRE, University of Lisbon)
joint work with: Agostinho Agra (Department of Mathematics and CIDMA, University of Aveiro)

For logistical reasons, it is mandatory to register (free) sending an email to with "8th Workshop on Combinatorial Optimization" on the subject, until October 1st.