Marta Brazão
PhD Student
Centro de Estudos de Gestão do Instituto Superior Técnico
Marta Brazão has a degree in Social Service from ISCSP - University of Lisbon and two Masters, one in Development Studies and another in Environmental and Sustainability Studies, both from ISCTE. She has worked at Circular Economy Portugal for the past 8 years promoting the concept of circular economy, especially in implementing projects that encourage sharing, repair, and reuse. She is also dedicated to educational activities and courses about circular economy, such as the "Circular Economy Course", developed in partnership with Técnico+.
In 2023, she enrolled in the Engineering and Management PhD at IST, and is currently working on her thesis titled "A sustainability assessment tool and index for Circular Business Models integration in companies" under supervision of Professor Ana Carvalho and Sara Garrido, from CIRAIG – International research centre of life cycle assessment and sustainable transition (Canada).
Research Groups