Daniel Filipe Dongo
PhD Student
Centro de Estudos de Gestão do Instituto Superior Técnico
Daniel Filipe Dongo is currently a PhD student in Engineering and Management at the Instituto Superior Técnico - IST of the University of Lisbon (ULisboa) in Lisbon, Portugal. In 2020, at the age of 26, he obtained a Master's degree in Oil and Gas Management from the Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing at Coventry University in England - United Kingdom, with research into the Application of Real Options Theory in the Economic Evaluation of an Oil Exploration and Production Investment Project in Angola. After completing his master's degree with Distinction, having obtained 80% in his final dissertation, he was awarded the prize for Best Student on the Master's Degree in Oil and Gas Management at Coventry University. He is a Petroleum Engineer from the Faculty of Engineering at the Agostinho Neto University (UAN) in Luanda - Angola, where at the age of 23 he became the first graduate student in the history of the Petroleum Engineering course at that Faculty on 26/10/2017. Daniel began his doctoral studies in 2021, having already completed the curricular part, and is now developing the literature review of his topic and preparing the thesis proposal to submit to CAT. He is presently working on his thesis with the title “The role of the oil and gas industry in Angola’s energy transition” under the supervision of Professor Susana Relvas. From 28 August to 1 September 2023, he was chosen to represent Instituto Superior Técnico at the International Meeting of Applied Geosciences and Energy of the Society of Exploration Geoscientists (SEG) in Houston, Texas, USA. From 24 to 25 November 2023, he was invited as Angola's Youth Representative to the African Youth Dialogue on Energy, for the event "Critical Minerals for Africa's Prosperity: A Youth Perspective", organised by the African Youths in Energy Network and the Energy Leaders Alliance. On 01/12/2023, he presented the topic of his doctoral thesis at the 8th National Conference on Science and Technology (CNCT) and the 3rd Technology- Based Ideas, Inventions, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fair (FIEBaT), organised by the Angolan Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESCTI). From 06 to 09 December 2023, he visited the formal United Nations meeting on Climate Change 2023, to negotiate and agree on the measures to be taken to combat climate change, limit emissions and halt global warming (COP28) at Expo City, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Daniel main interests are in the operations and logistics management of: the oil and gas markets, transition to a low carbon economy, energy transition and sustainable economic development, market dynamics and business strategies in the energy industries and project decision analysis and investment decision in the oil and gas industry.
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