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CEGIST members awarded with the Decision Analysis Practice Award

CEGIST members Carlos A. Bana e Costa, Mónica Duarte Oliveira and Ana Vieira were awarded with the Decision Analysis Practice Award, for their research “Fostering participation and knowledge construction processes in real settings through decision analysis and collaborative value modelling”. This research addresses the challenge of effectively engaging many stakeholders and experts in real-world decision analysis processes, both for knowledge construction and for stakeholder engagement, with the development of the Collaborative Value Modeling (CVM) framework. The CVM combines large-scale participatory Web-Delphi processes with smaller-scale decision conferencing or workshop processes to promote agreement in different modeling stages of multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA).

The Decision Analysis Practice Award highlights an outstanding contribution to the practice of Decision Analysis and is sponsored jointly by the Decision Analysis Society and the Society of Decision Professionals. It is given annually to the best decision analysis application, as judged by a panel of members of both Societies and this year winners were announced during the INFORMS conference held recently in Phoenix, AZ.

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