We are proud to present the new LOG.lab - the Logistics Laboratory, developed through a partnership between Worten Portugal and Instituto Superior Técnico. The LOG.lab aims to provide support for laboratory classes for Instituto Superior Técnico students in the Industrial Engineering and Management bachelor's and master's programs at the Department of Engineering and Management. It will also leverage research on Operations, Logistics, and Supply Chain Management at CEGIST, while reinforcing links to society through outreach activities. CEGIST members Susana Relvas and Tânia Ramos are the ambassadors of the LOG.lab powered by Worten.

The inauguration of the LOG.lab took place on May 14th 2024 and was attended by the Worten Portugal CEO, Miguel Mota Freitas, the President of Instituto Superior Técnico, Professor Rogério Colaço, the Vice-President for Business Interface, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Professor Pedro Amaral, the Vice-President for Tagus Park, Professor Joana Mendonça, the President of Department of Engineering and Management and CEGIST member Professor Ana Paula Póvoa, the President of CEGIST Professor Tânia Ramos, the Coordinator of Industrial Engineering and Management bachelor's and master's programs Professor Tânia Pinto Varela, the Ambassadors of the Técnico – Worten partnership, Professor Susana Relvas and Eng. Hugo Alexandre, Técnico alumni - now Worten employees – Eng. Afonso Barroso and Eng. Pedro Rodrigues, among several other Worten and Técnico representatives.