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Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

Projects (0)

There are currently no projects for this Sustainable Development Goal.

Publications (40)

P. Santana, Â. Freitas, I. Stefanik, C. Costa, M. Oliveira, T.C. Rodrigues, A. Vieira, P.L. Ferreira, C. Borrell, S. Dimitroulopoulou, S. Rican, C. Mitsakou, M. Marí-Dell'Olmo, J. Schweikart, D. Corman, C.A. Costa, C. Quintal, J. Malva, L. Cunha, P. Nossa, R. Almendra, R.G. Fernandes, L. Palència, L. Camprubí, M. Rodríguez-Sans, M. Gotsens, S. Vardoulakis, C. Heaviside, Q. Tenailleau, C. Squiban, A. Alvarenga, L. Freitas, P. Correia, C. Ledoux, E. Pilot, T. Krafft, H. Pikhart, J. Morrison, C. Franke, B. Burström, E. Samoli, K. Katsouyanni, S. Rodopoulou, D. Dzúrová, M. Lustigová, A. Cavallo, N. Coué, L. Bosáková, M. Tkáč, H. Vandenheede, P. Deboosere, G. Costa, N. Zengarini
Daniela Acabado, Ana Branca, Margarida Catalão‐Lopes, Joaquim Pina

Theses (7)

There are currently no thesis for this Sustainable Development Goal.