7 | AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all Learn More Projects (0) There are currently no projects for this Sustainable Development Goal. Pagination Publications (0) There are currently no publications for this Sustainable Development Goal. Pagination Theses (33) Optimizing task scheduling in cloud: A multi-objective approach using hyper heuristics and genetic programming A multicriteria classification approach for assessing energy security in Europe The Role of Digitalization in Reducing Energy Poverty Global Pharmaceutical Supply Chains: How can we navigate through the impact of uncertainty? Design and planning of symbiotic supply chains: a case study in pulp and paper and cement industries A multi-criteria classification approach for assessing energy poverty in the European Union Green Hydrogen transportation: Development of a decision support tool and application to a case-study Strategic Deployment of Green Hydrogen Refueling Stations: The Case of the Portuguese Highways A meta-heuristic approach for the design of a green hydrogen supply chain in Portugal Managing Price Risk for Energy Commodities: A Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant Case The effects of energy accessibility on income inequality in Latin America and Caribbean countries Ontology-based analysis of the semiconductor supply chain: the use-case of the Battery Management System Drivers for innovation in energy storage and energy efficiency technologies An optimization approach for sustainable logistics Design and Planning Green Hydrogen Supply Chains - The Case of Portugal Industrial Sector Pagination Page 1 Next page ››