7 | AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all Learn More Projects (1) There are currently no projects for this Sustainable Development Goal. Pagination Publications (50) Multi-objective optimization approach to design and planning hydrogen supply chain under uncertainty: A Portugal study caseD. Câmara, T. Pinto-Varela, A.P. Barbosa-Povoa2019 Assessment and optimization of sustainable forest wood supply chains – A systematic literature reviewAndreia Santos, Ana Carvalho, A.P. Barbosa-Póvoa, Alexandra Marques, Pedro Amorim2019 Collaborative Value Modelling in corporate contexts with MACBETHCarlos Costa, Ana Vieira, Mónica Nóbrega, António Quintino, Mónica Oliveira, João Costa2019 Can switching from gasoline to aromatics mitigate the price risk of refineries?A. Quintino, Margarida Catalão-Lopes, J.C. Lourenço2019 Approach for a Risk Analysis of Energy Flexible Production SystemsP. Simon, Y. Zeiträg, J. Glasschroeder, T. Gutowski, G. Reinhart2018 Use of excess heat from ethylene recycling in a low-density polyethylene production plantR.D.C. Matos, I.M. João, J.M. Silva2018 Life Cycle Assessment of calcium carbonate loop CO<inf>2</inf> capture technology for brown coal power plant unit of the Czech RepublicK. Zakuciová, V. Kočí, K. Ciahotný, A. Carvalho, J. Štefanica, J. Smutná2018 Use of excess heat from ethylene recycling in a low-density polyethylene production plantIsabel Joao2018 Assessing multiple biomass-feedstock in the optimization of power and fuel supply chains for sustainable mobilityL. Ascenso, F. D’Amore, A. Carvalho, F. Bezzo2018 Designing a municipal sustainable energy strategy using multi-criteria decision analysisD. Neves, P. Baptista, M. Simões, C.A. Silva, J.R. Figueira2018 Pagination Previous page ‹‹ Page 5 Theses (33) There are currently no thesis for this Sustainable Development Goal. Pagination Previous page ‹‹ Page 3