Liliana Freitas
PhD Student
Centro de Estudos de Gestão do Instituto Superior Técnico
Liliana Freitas is a researcher at the Centre for Management Studies of Instituto Superior Técnico (CEG-IST) in Lisbon, Portugal. Liliana completed her MSc degree in Biomedical Engineering in 2015 at Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa (IST, UL). In January 2016 she started a research assistant position in CEG-IST, and in September of 2018 she enrolled the Engineering and Management PhD program of IST. Liliana is currently working on her thesis, titled "A-HTA: Advancing multicriteria approaches and methods for Health Technology Assessment of medical devices", supervised by Professor Ana Vieira and co-supervised by Professor Mónica Oliveira. Her main research interests focus on the development of management science tools applied to health, especially in decision analysis following multicriteria value modelling and socio-technical approaches, Health Technology Assessment and Behavioural Operational Research. Liliana co-authors 3 articles in scientific journals, 3 book chapters and 1 book. Liliana is also currently involved in the FCT MEDI-VALUE (Developing HTA tools to consensualise MEDIcal devices' VALUE through multicriteria decision analysis) research project, a project developed together with the Portuguese HTA Agency (Infarmed) and three hospitals, that aims at advancing HTA literature by developing tools to assess the multidimensional value of Medical Devices.
International Journal for Equity in Health | 2019
C. Borrell
P.L. Ferreira
Â. Freitas
T.C. Rodrigues
P. Santana
Lopes Santos
15ª Conferência Nacional de Economia da Saúde | 2017
ORAHS 2017 Operational Research Applied to Health Services | 2017
Promoting population health and equity in Europe: from evidence to policy | 2017
Promoting population health and equity in Europe: from evidence to policy | 2017
Research Groups
DECISING – DECISion science and management engineerING
MEDI-VALUE - Developing HTA tools to consensualise MEDICAL DEVICES' VALUE through multicriteria decision analysis
The MEDI-VALUE project aims at advancing Health Technology Assessment (HTA) literature by developing innovative methodologies and tools to assess the multidimensional value of Medical Devices, being ultimately aligned with promoting resilient health systems that balance access to care with innovation and sustainability.