12 | RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns LEARN MORE Projects (2) There are currently no projects for this Sustainable Development Goal. Pagination Publications (223) Optimization of decision making in the supply of medicinal gases used in health careM.C. Carnero, A. Gómez2019 Using Machine Learning for Enhancing the Understanding of Bullwhip Effect in the Oil and Gas IndustryA.L. Sousa, T.P. Ribeiro, S. Relvas, A. Barbosa-Póvoa2019 Supply Chain Resilience: An Optimisation Model to Identify the Relative Importance of SC DisturbancesJoão Ribeiro2019 An efficient Lagrangian-based heuristic to solve a multi-objective sustainable supply chain problemC.P.S. Tautenhain, A.P. Barbosa-Povoa, B. Mota, M.C.V. Nascimento2019 Design and Planning of Sustainable Vaccine Supply ChainM.I. De Carvalho, D. Ribeiro, A.P. Barbosa-Povoa2019 Methodological design and empirical findingsJ Leitao2019 A Multiple Criteria Approach Defining Cultural Adaptive Reuse of Abandoned BuildingsA.S. Costa, I.M. Lami, S. Greco, J.R. Figueira, J. Borbinha2019 A stochastic environmental model to deal with uncertainty in life cycle impact assessmentA. Santos, A. Barbosa-Póvoa, A. Carvalho2019 Design and Planning Supply Chains with Beneficial Societal GoalsB. Mota, A. Carvalho, M.I. Gomes, A. Barbosa-Póvoa2019 Design and Planning of Agri-Food Supply ChainsL. Cruz, J. Pires-Ribeiro, A. Barbosa-Póvoa2019 Pagination Previous page ‹‹ Page 14 Next page ›› Theses (129) There are currently no thesis for this Sustainable Development Goal. Pagination Previous page ‹‹ Page 9