12 | RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns LEARN MORE Projects (2) There are currently no projects for this Sustainable Development Goal. Pagination Publications (223) The impact of CO2 pricing in SC Resilience – An optimisation modelJ.P. Ribeiro, A. Barbosa-Póvoa2021 Network design optimization of waste management systems: the case of plasticsR. Castro-Amoedo, A. Dahmen, A. Barbosa-Póvoa, F. Maréchal2021 A critical look at the Portuguese public–private partnerships in healthcareMiguel Pereira, Diogo Ferreira, Rui Marques2021 An Incentive-Based Framework for Analyzing the Alignment of Institutional Interventions in the Public Primary Healthcare Sector: The Portuguese CaseMiguel Pereira, Rui Marques, Diogo Ferreira2021 Sustainable water and sanitation for all: Are we there yet?Miguel Pereira, Rui Marques2021 Dynamic Effects of Material Production and Environmental Sustainability on Economic Vitality Indicators: A Panel VAR ApproachJoao Leitao, Joaquim Ferreira2021 The Economics of Digital Transformation: Approaching Non-stable and Uncertain Digitalized Production SystemsT Devezas, J Leitao, A Sarygulov2021 Economic Analysis of Portuguese Public Hospitals Through the Construction of Quality, Efficiency, Access, and Financial Related Composite IndicatorsRita Matos, Maria Pedro, Diogo Ferreira2021 Entrepreneurs' human capital resources and tourism firm sales growth: A fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysisAndreas Kallmuenzer, António Ribeiro, Rui Baptista, Sascha Kraus, Cheng-Feng Cheng, Paul Westhead2021 A Multi-objective and Multi-period Model to the Design and Operation of a Hydrogen Supply Chain: An Applied Case in PortugalTânia Pinto-Varela2021 Pagination Previous page ‹‹ Page 8 Next page ›› Theses (129) Desenho e Planeamento do Sistema Logístico de uma Unidade de Recuperação de Vidro de Embalagem Process Design of Plastic Waste Valorization Using 3D Printing Technology Circular economy through plastic recycling process into 3D printed products: A frugal solution for schools Melhoria da eficiência de uma empresa de produção da indústria alimentar através da aplicação de metodologias e ferramentas Lean Natural Sustainable Packaging: Connecting Circular Economy with Sustainable Development Goals. Multiple criteria decision analysis for biomarker prioritization: Developing a socio-technical approach to assist researchers and clinicians in biomarker selection for validation and translation into clinical applications Strategic and Tactical Planning of the Downstream Petroleum Supply Chain Facility Location and Inventory Management in the Electric Energy Sector Aplicação da abordagem Kaizen - a produção de frascos de cristal - O caso da Vista Alegre Atlantis Facility Location and Inventory Management in the Electric Energy Sector. Avaliação do Risco nas Operações do INEM: O caso dos Técnicos de Emergência Pré-Hospitalar Design of a new flexible assembly line through the use of Kaizen Lean Methodologies Improving Emergency Medical Services Through Vehicle Location Optimization Otimização do fluxo da cadeia de abastecimento do sangue. Gestão de inventário em bancos de sangue hospitalares Design and Planning of Agri-Food Supply Chains Pagination Previous page ‹‹ Page 8 Next page ››