12 | RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns LEARN MORE Projects (2) There are currently no projects for this Sustainable Development Goal. Pagination Publications (223) Green Supply Chain: Integrating Financial Risk Measures while Monetizing Environmental ImpactsC. Da Silva, A.P. Barbosa-Povoa, A. Carvalho2019 Integrating Simulation and Optimization for Process Planning and Scheduling ProblemsM. Vieira, S. Moniz, B. Gonçalves, T. Pinto-Varela, A.P. Barbosa-Povoa2019 Multi-objective optimization approach to design and planning hydrogen supply chain under uncertainty: A Portugal study caseD. Câmara, T. Pinto-Varela, A.P. Barbosa-Povoa2019 Social life cycle assessment methodology for evaluating production process design: Biorefinery case studyE. Cadena, F. Rocca, J.A. Gutierrez, A. Carvalho2019 Integrating Simulation and Optimization for Process Planning and Scheduling ProblemsTânia Pinto-Varela2019 Multi-objective optimization approach to design and planning hydrogen supply chain under uncertainty: A Portugal study caseTânia Pinto-Varela2019 Integrating harvesting decisions in the design of agro-food supply chainsJochem Jonkman, Ana Barbosa-Póvoa, Jacqueline Bloemhof2019 On risk management of a two-stage stochastic mixed 0–1 model for the closed-loop supply chain design problemSusana Baptista, Ana Barbosa-Póvoa, Laureano Escudero, Maria Gomes, Celeste Pizarro2019 A model-based decision support framework for the optimisation of production planning in the biopharmaceutical industryM. Vieira, T. Pinto-Varela, A.P. Barbosa-Póvoa2019 A multi-objective matheuristic for designing and planning sustainable supply chainsC.P.S. Tautenhain, A.P. Barbosa-Povoa, M.C.V. Nascimento2019 Pagination Previous page ‹‹ Page 15 Next page ›› Theses (129) There are currently no thesis for this Sustainable Development Goal. Pagination Previous page ‹‹ Page 9