12 | RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns LEARN MORE Projects (1) There are currently no projects for this Sustainable Development Goal. Pagination Publications (223) Assessment of biomass supply chain design and planning using discrete-event simulation modelingH. Paulo, M. Vieira, B.S. Gonçalves, T. Pinto-Varela, A.P. Barbosa-Povoa2022 Non-pneumatic tire designs suitable for fused filament fabrication: an overviewM. Sardinha, L. Reis, T. Ramos, M.F. Vaz2022 Process Sustainable Supply Chain: integrating monetization strategies in the design and planningCátia Da Silva2022 The role of higher education towards sustainable consumption behavioural change: topics discussed in sustainable consumption educationIsabel Joao2022 Towards an Optimized and Sustainable Blood Supply Chain Network under Uncertainty: A Literature ReviewAna Torrado, A. Barbosa-Póvoa2022 A methodology based on social life cycle assessment for social hotspots identificationAndreia Santos, Ana Carvalho, A. Barbosa-Póvoa, Andreia Santos, Madalena Veloso, Andreia. Santos2022 Household organic waste: Integrate psychosocial factors to define strategies toward a circular economyErika Celestino, Ana Carvalho, José Palma-Oliveira2022 A methodology for integrating the characterization factors uncertainty into life cycle assessmentsAndreia Santos, Ana Carvalho, A. Barbosa-Póvoa, Andreia Santos, Andreia. Santos2022 Optimal Conversion of Organic Wastes to Value-Added Products: Toward a Sustainable Integrated Biorefinery in DenmarkCarina Gargalo, Julien Rapazzo, Ana Carvalho, Krist Gernaey2022 Process Sustainable Supply Chain: integrating monetization strategies in the design and planningCátia Silva, A. Barbosa-Póvoa, Ana Carvalho2022 Pagination Previous page ‹‹ Page 5 Next page ›› Theses (129) Maturity model development to evaluate hospital services’ readiness in disaster and emergency situations Recycling plastic waste for 3D Printing filament by extrusion processing Circular Economy in Electronic Equipment Accessories Carbon Footprint Measurement for 3PLs Combining workflow modelling with scenario planning tools: Process improvement in a Clinical Analysis Laboratory Just-in-Time Scheduling in Multiple Parallel Machines How can we design a supply-chain of the future? Cadeia de abastecimento circular aplicada à Indústria têxtil Análise e configuração das operações do restaurante Red Bar Tagus Otimização da Circulação de Veículos em Parque. O caso de estudo da Celbi The impacts of COVID-19 on the energy sector: economics & sustainability Jet Fuel Distribution System: Lisbon Airport Case Study Forecasting COVID-19 Predicting the number of patients admitted at IMU and ICU Refurbishing of End-of-Life Therapy Systems: Spare Parts Harvesting Process Optimization. Case-Study: Advanced Therapies (AT) business area at Siemens Healthineers Forchheim. Satisfaction of healthcare consumers. Analysis and comparison of different methodologies. Pagination Previous page ‹‹ Page 5 Next page ››