3 | GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages Learn More Projects (0) There are currently no projects for this Sustainable Development Goal. Pagination Publications (1) There are currently no publications for this Sustainable Development Goal. Pagination Theses (77) Developing simulation models for the implementation of Next-Generation Sequencing in the Lisbon region Ferramenta de priorização de pacientes cirúrgicos eletivos: O caso da cirurgia geral Quality in health care: A systematic literature review applied to hospital care Policies to Minimize the Socio-economic Impact of SARS-CoV-2: An International Comparison Responsabilidade Social Corporativa: Custos e Disposição a pagar Multi-criteria decision analysis of the Portuguese public hospitals: The role of interactions among pairs of access and quality criteria Satisfaction in providing health care: A systematic review of the literature Determinants of inpatient satisfaction: a systematic review and meta-analysis Optimization of Patient Centred Processes The Oesophageal and Stomach Reference Center at Portuguese Institute of Oncology Lisboa Francisco Gentil Product failure tolerance determinants: An exploratory study on the technological market Integrating appointment scheduling and inventory management steps in the blood donation system Operating Room Planning and Scheduling in the Scope of Scheduling Literature Roteamento e agendamento numa unidade de Hospitalização Domiciliária Staff Scheduling in a hospital context: the case of Luz Saúde Hospital Sustainability analysis of the Portuguese public hospitals A multicriteria approach Pagination Previous page ‹‹ Page 2 Next page ››