3 | GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages Learn More Projects (0) There are currently no projects for this Sustainable Development Goal. Pagination Publications (1) The virtuous cycle of entrepreneurial identity and experience – a longitudinal analysisRicardo Belchior, Hugo Castro-Silva2023 Pagination Theses (77) Towards an Enhanced Risk Assessment Framework for mHealth Apps: Exploring and Adapting the FMEA Approach Construção de um Modelo de Regressão Linear Múltipla para a Previsão de Tempos Cirúrgicos no Âmbito da Especialidade de Ortopedia do Hospital da Luz de Lisboa A Responsabilidade Social Empresarial Interna na promoção da Satisfação no trabalho e do Compromisso dos colaboradores - Estudo de caso - Delta Cafés Health Risk Maps: Moving towards novel ways to incorporate uncertainty analysis Using Nudges to Increase Hand Hygiene Compliance in a Hospital Setting Evaluating Flexibility on Master Surgery Scheduling to reduce waiting lists: A case study in a Portuguese Hospital A multi-criteria classification approach for assessing energy poverty in the European Union Estimating the performance of Portuguese public hospitals through a stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis Consistent vehicle routing problem with workload balance in the pharmaceutical distribution Public Investment in sports and culture and public health – a longitudinal study Selection and prioritisation of medical devices for HTA evaluation: Towards a socio-technical framework based on multiple criteria decision analysis Using multicriteria decision analysis to measure the value of different scenarios of replacement of beef by pulses in two EU countries The effects of energy accessibility on income inequality in Latin America and Caribbean countries Developing simulation models for the implementation of Next-Generation Sequencing in the Lisbon region Through the User’s Eye: A Mixed Methods Approach to Enhancing the Understanding of End User Needs in Health Information Technologies Pagination Page 1 Next page ››