12 | RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns LEARN MORE Projects (0) There are currently no projects for this Sustainable Development Goal. Pagination Publications (0) There are currently no publications for this Sustainable Development Goal. Pagination Theses (129) Integrated Production and Distribution Planning in the Cement Industry under Carbon Regulatory Schemes The Secil Case Study Analysis of the Impact of Exogenous Variables on the Efficiency of Tourist Accommodation Establishments Efficiency Analysis on Local Housing in Coastal Portuguese Municipalities Developing simulation models for the implementation of Next-Generation Sequencing in the Lisbon region An optimization approach for sustainable logistics Learning Methods and their Impact on Training of Customers for Artificial Intelligence Based Analysis Platforms in Logistics and Production: A Qualitative Study on Motion-Mining Aumento de Produtividade numa linha de Produção de Equipamentos de Refrigeração Industrial Ontology-based analysis of the semiconductor supply chain: the use-case of the Battery Management System Developing Multi-Criteria Resource Allocation Tools for Policy Evaluation Under Uncertain Conditions Forests Supply Chain Materiality Economia Circular: Desafios e oportunidades na gestão de cadeias de abastecimento Football clubs’ salaries and transfer fees efficiency in Portuguese Primeira Liga Supply Chain Disruption Management: how to cope with the semiconductor shortage problem in the automotive industry Case Study of Volkswagen Autoeuropa A Digital Twin-based Life Cycle Assessment framework Theoretical and Practical contribution Preventing Anti – Competitive Behavior: Employing Game Theory to detect Cartels and Collusion Cartel da Banca case Logistic Network Design and Planning for a Glass Deposit-Refund System Pagination Previous page ‹‹ Page 2 Next page ››