12 | RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns LEARN MORE Projects (2) Implementing Sustainable Low And Non-chemical Development in SIDS (ISLANDS) in Cabo Verde, Guinea-Bissau and Sao Tomé & Príncipe - Implementation Phase The Recycling Machine Pagination Publications (223) Supply Chain Resilience: Tactical-Operational Models, a Literature ReviewM. Batista, J.P. Ribeiro, A. Barbosa-Póvoa2023 Towards an Optimized and Socio-Economic Blood Supply Chain NetworkA. Torrado, A.P. Barbosa-Povoa2023 Integrating economic, environmental, and social concerns into the design and planning of supply chains using monetization strategiesC.D. Silva, A.P. Barbosa-Povoa, A. Carvalho2023 Resilient supply chains – robustness and dynamics in the context of industrial gas supply chainsAna Barbosa-Póvoa, José Pinto2023 Modelling availability and affordability concerns in the design and planning of pharmaceutical supply chainsI. Duarte, B. Mota, T. Pinto-Varela, A. Amaro, A.P. Barbosa-Povoa2023 A geometric aggregation of performance indicators considering regulatory constraints: An application to the urban solid waste managementDiogo Ferreira, Paulo Caldas, Miguel Varela, Rui Marques2023 Optimizing the Design and Planning of a Sugar-Bioethanol Supply Chain under Uncertain Market ConditionsSusana Relvas, C. Lima, M. Batista, S. Relvas, A. Barbosa-Póvoa2023 A Discrete-Event Simulation Approach to the Design and Planning of Biomass Supply Chains considering Technological LearningH. Paulo, M. Vieira, T. Pinto-Varela, B.S. Gonçalves, S. Relvas, A.P. Barbosa-Povoa2023 An Approach to the Design of Resilient Biomass Supply Chain Using Discrete Event SimulationHelena Paulo, Miguel Vieira, Tânia Pinto-Varela, Bruno Gonçalves, Ana Barbosa-Póvoa2023 Barriers to and Motivations for Building More Sustainable Food Markets: The View and Role of Brazilian Organic Food FarmersM. Dalmoro, C.A. de Matos, M.D. de Barcellos2023 Pagination Page 1 Next page ›› Theses (129) Roadmap para auxiliar uma organização inserida na Indústria Farmacêutica a iniciar a sua transição rumo à Indústria 4.0 Otimização de materiais de embalagem em e-commerce Os Sistemas de Custeio: Análise ao sistema atualmente usado e proposta de implementacão de método alternativo numa empresa industrial de curtumes Designing a virtual warehouse operator integrating fatigue, recovery and learning using agent-based modeling Worten Case Study Previsão de vendas de bens de consumo embalados com recurso a técnicas tradicionais e a aprendizagem automática Bulky items delivery process optimization using simulation and GIS Analysis and optimization of JMD’s distribution chain - The Case Study of JMD Sustainable supply chain management under water stress – exploring the use of industrial symbiosis alternatives Global Pharmaceutical Supply Chains: How can we navigate through the impact of uncertainty? Evaluating Flexibility on Master Surgery Scheduling to reduce waiting lists: A case study in a Portuguese Hospital Otimização da Logística Interna através da Reorganização de Armazéns, da Gestão do Material de Embalamento e do Abastecimento à Produção Strategic Deployment of Green Hydrogen Refueling Stations: The Case of the Portuguese Highways Sustainable Practices Implementation in 3PLs A meta-heuristic approach for the design of a green hydrogen supply chain in Portugal Viabilidade económica de um projeto de investimento pecuário: a área da suinicultura como estudo de caso Pagination Page 1 Next page ››