13 | CLIMATE ACTION Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts LEARN MORE Projects (0) There are currently no projects for this Sustainable Development Goal. Pagination Publications (0) There are currently no publications for this Sustainable Development Goal. Pagination Theses (17) Railway planning: optimization approaches for the rolling stock rotation problem Managing Price Risk for Energy Commodities: A Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant Case Electric Vehicles Performing Home Deliveries - Leroy Merlin Portugal Case Study Sustainable Practices Implementation in 3PLs Ontology-based analysis of the semiconductor supply chain: the use-case of the Battery Management System Supply Chain Disruption Management: how to cope with the semiconductor shortage problem in the automotive industry Case Study of Volkswagen Autoeuropa Production of Bio-oil from Cigarette Butts and a Circular Economy System Risk Analysis and Modelling Case Study of a Portuguese Codfish Processing Company Optimal configuration and planning of a blood supply chain network under an uncertain environment Energy Transition Roll Out Plan Eco-design for plastic waste valorisation in a circular economy perspective Carbon Footprint Measurement for 3PLs Maritime logistics with berth and pipeline allocation. A case study. Iberian distribution planning of fuels - the impact of biofuel price quotations in decision-making. Galp Case Study. Feasibility of capturing and converting industrial CO2 in synthetic methane using Power-to-Gas. Pagination Page 1 Next page ››