3 | GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages Learn More Projects (1) There are currently no projects for this Sustainable Development Goal. Pagination Publications (93) Setting Requirements for a Dashboard to Inform Portuguese Decision-Makers About Environment Health in an Urban SettingMonica Oliveira2022 Informing the Design of Data Visualization Tools to Monitor the COVID-19 Pandemic in Portugal: A Web-Delphi Participatory ApproachEkaterina Ignatenko, Manuel Ribeiro, Monica Oliveira2022 The ‘Sustainable Public Health Index’: What if public health and sustainable development are compatible?Miguel Pereira2022 Is sunshine regulation the new prescription to brighten up public hospitals in Portugal?Miguel Pereira, Rui Marques2022 ELECTRE-SCORE: A first outranking based method for scoring actionsJ.R. Figueira, S. Greco, B. Roy2022 Designing master surgery schedules with downstream unit integration via stochastic programmingDaniel Santos, Inês Marques2022 Flexible master surgery scheduling: combining optimization and simulation in a rolling horizon approachMariana Oliveira, Daniel Santos, Daniel Santos, Inês Marques2022 Facing Dynamic Demand for Surgeries in a Portuguese Case StudyM. Oliveira, I. Marques2021 Optimisation of maintenance in delivery systems for cytostatic medicinesMaría Carnero, Andrés Gómez2021 Priority setting in the Brazilian emergency medical service: a multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA)Talita Frazão, Ana Flávia A. Dos Santos, Deyse Camilo, João Júnior, Ricardo de Souza2021 Pagination Previous page ‹‹ Page 4 Next page ›› Theses (77) Quality assessment of public and PPP Portuguese hospitals. Moving towards a new framework to critically differentiate between and categorise stakeholders to be engaged in the evaluation of health technologies The Stake-frame. Home Hospitalization: A Bi-objective problem considering Travel Time and Continuity of Care, and accounting for Workload Balance. The case study of Hospital Garcia de Orta. How to Improve Surgical Production and Stakeholders’ Satisfaction? The Portuguese Case of CHLN and HESE. How to Prioritize Pathologies to Integrate a Value-Based Healthcare Program? The Collaborative Value Modelling approach. Improving staff scheduling through heuristics at Emergency Medical Services? The case of Instituto Nacional de Emergência Médica. Multicriteria sorting methodology to support the maintenance management of medical equipment: The case of Hospital da Luz Lisboa. Planning blood collections to meet demand and minimize waste. Combining workflow modelling with scenario planning tools: Process improvement in a Clinical Analysis Laboratory. A comparative analysis on efficiency using slacks-based DEA, standard DEA versus network DEA. The case study of José de Mello Saúde. A preliminary early economic assessment of a novel BM-MSC secretome based therapy for osteoarthritis patients. Economic and financial analysis of Portuguese EPE hospitals. Continuous assessment of health technologies: Development of an instrument to assess medical devices in the context of invasive pulmonary techniques. Combining hospital pathways modeling with value-based healthcare: Building methods for care improvement at IPO-Lisboa. Design and Planning the Logistics System associated with Innovative Packaging Glass Recovery System. Pagination Previous page ‹‹ Page 4 Next page ››