3 | GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages Learn More Projects (1) There are currently no projects for this Sustainable Development Goal. Pagination Publications (93) Network design optimization of waste management systems: the case of plasticsR. Castro-Amoedo, A. Dahmen, A. Barbosa-Póvoa, F. Maréchal2021 A multiple criteria approach for bulding a pandemic impact assessment composite indicator: The case of Covid-19 in PortugalJ.R. Figueira, H.M. Oliveira, A.P. Serro, R. Colaço, F. Froes, C.R. Cordeiro, A. Diniz, M. Guimarães2021 An Incentive-Based Framework for Analyzing the Alignment of Institutional Interventions in the Public Primary Healthcare Sector: The Portuguese CaseMiguel Pereira, Rui Marques, Diogo Ferreira2021 A critical look at the Portuguese public–private partnerships in healthcareMiguel Pereira, Diogo Ferreira, Rui Marques2021 Economic Analysis of Portuguese Public Hospitals Through the Construction of Quality, Efficiency, Access, and Financial Related Composite IndicatorsRita Matos, Maria Pedro, Diogo Ferreira2021 The role of impulsivity and delay discounting in student compliance with COVID-19 protective measuresRui Baptista2021 Domains and Methods Used to Assess Home Telemonitoring Scalability: Systematic ReviewSalome Azevedo, Teresa Rodrigues, Ana Londral2021 The convergence of the World Health Organization Member States regarding the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal ‘Good health and well-being’Miguel Pereira, A.S. Camanho, R.C. Marques, J.R. Figueira2021 Incorporating preference information in a range directional composite indicator: The case of Portuguese public hospitalsMiguel Pereira, A.S. Camanho, J.R. Figueira, R.C. Marques2021 Measuring the efficiency of the Portuguese public hospitals: A value modelled network data envelopment analysis with simulationMiguel Pereira, José Figueira, Diogo Ferreira, Rui Marques2021 Pagination Previous page ‹‹ Page 5 Next page ›› Theses (77) Developing predictive analytics tools to forecast the influx of emergency patients. Do PPP hospitals outperform the corporatized ones? The Portuguese experience. Exploring health stakeholders' views about the prioritization of patients for the operating theatre. A socio-technical approach to assist the selection of medical devices in hospital settings: Process improvement in an anesthesiology context Shared decision-making in the context of evidence-based medicine: an approach to reproductive reparative medicine Building tools to model preference dependence in health settings: developing a decision support system to implement the MACBETH-CI Multiple criteria decision analysis for biomarker prioritization: Developing a socio-technical approach to assist researchers and clinicians in biomarker selection for validation and translation into clinical applications Enhancing the Delphi method in Health decision-making: Designing a Methodology to get Insights from Participants’ Text Answers Avaliação do Risco nas Operações do INEM: O caso dos Técnicos de Emergência Pré-Hospitalar Análise de fluxos processuais para a otimização de um layout industrial Controlo de Gestão associado aos custos de stock (aplicação a um caso de estudo) Building tools to enable an automatic analysis of Delphi processes results in health settings Studying Wayfinding in Healthcare Facilities Using Two Different MCDA Approaches Redução de Falsos Alarmes na Monitorização de Processos de Segurança com Recurso a Técnicas de Data Mining Supervisionadas e Não-Supervisionadas Seleção de políticas de gestão de existências numa unidade industrial Pagination Previous page ‹‹ Page 5 Next page ››