4 | QUALITY EDUCATION Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all Learn More Projects (0) There are currently no projects for this Sustainable Development Goal. Pagination Publications (1) The struggle of small firms to retain high-skill workers: job duration and the importance of knowledge intensityHugo Castro-Silva, Francisco Lima2023 Pagination Theses (11) Jobs Across Borders: Analysing the Influence of Immigration on Occupational Unemployment in Portugal Empreendedorismo em Portugal por parte de trabalhadores em situação de perda de emprego involuntária após o fecho de empresa Public Investment in sports and culture and public health – a longitudinal study A Decision Support Tool for Scheduling Master's Thesis Defences DecSpace: Collaborative Tools A construção de uma academia formativa: O caso de estudo Hovione Gestão de operadores de uma unidade industrial por competências Managing operators in an industrial unit by competences “Nota Verde” ou “Nota Preta”: O que pesa mais na decisão de ter filhos? The professional careers of retired football players. Active Participation Methods in Social Innovation for Sustainability. Stakeholders' Engagement towards Local Development and Social Innovation through Open Schooling. A stakeholder analysis of the H2020 Open Science Hub Network: the case of Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo, Portugal Pagination