Ana Vieira
Professor Assistente
Centro de Estudos de Gestão do Instituto Superior Técnico
Ana Vieira is an Assistant Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico (University of Lisbon) and a Researcher at the Centre for Management Studies of Instituto Superior Técnico (CEGIST). Ana's research interests focus on the development of participatory and collaborative methods and tools for decision-making under multi-stakeholder environments. Ana research multicriteria decision analysis and foresight methods and tools mainly applied to public health and healthcare systems. Ana has recently participated in the H2020 IMPACT HTA: Improved methods and Actionable Tools for enhancing Health Technology Assessment (2018-2021), and FCT MEDI-VALUE: Developing HTA tools to consensualise MEDIcal devices' VALUE through multicriteria decision analysis (2018-2022). These projects were developed together with healthcare institutions and regulators, and aimed at the development of methods and tools to assist hospitals, Health Technology Assessment agencies and other healthcare institutions in the evaluation of medicines, medical devices and policy interventions. Ana's research plan has been developed along with knowledge transfer activities by supervising PhD and MSc thesis collaborating with real-world institutions. Ana assumed in 2021 the Vice-Presidency of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) recently approved Foresight section.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 2020
Health Research Policy and Systems | 2020
P. Santana
Â. Freitas
I. Stefanik
C. Costa
P.L. Ferreira
C. Borrell
S. Dimitroulopoulou
S. Rican
C. Mitsakou
M. Marí-Dell'Olmo
J. Schweikart
D. Corman
C. Quintal
J. Malva
L. Cunha
P. Nossa
R. Almendra
R.G. Fernandes
L. Palència
L. Camprubí
M. Rodríguez-Sans
M. Gotsens
S. Vardoulakis
C. Heaviside
Q. Tenailleau
C. Squiban
C. Ledoux
E. Pilot
T. Krafft
H. Pikhart
J. Morrison
C. Franke
B. Burström
E. Samoli
K. Katsouyanni
S. Rodopoulou
D. Dzúrová
M. Lustigová
A. Cavallo
N. Coué
L. Bosáková
M. Tkáč
H. Vandenheede
P. Deboosere
G. Costa
N. Zengarini
Omega | 2020
Procedia Computer Science | 2019
International Journal for Equity in Health | 2019
C. Borrell
P.L. Ferreira
Â. Freitas
T.C. Rodrigues
P. Santana
Lopes Santos
Grupos de Investigação
DECISING – DECISion science and management engineerING
MEDI-VALUE - Developing HTA tools to consensualise MEDICAL DEVICES' VALUE through multicriteria decision analysis
The MEDI-VALUE project aims at advancing Health Technology Assessment (HTA) literature by developing innovative methodologies and tools to assess the multidimensional value of Medical Devices, being ultimately aligned with promoting resilient health systems that balance access to care with innovation and sustainability.
EURO-HEALTHY – Shaping EUROpean policies to promote HEALTH equitY
Develop a technological platform - a Geoportal, to provide a snapshot of the health of the European population over multiple dimensions and geographical levels. A Population Health Index (PHI) was proposed.
IMPACT HTA - Improved methods and Actionable Tools for enhancing Health Technology Assessment
IMPACT HTA is a research project looking at new and improved methods across ten thematic areas aiming at:
understanding variations in costs and health outcomes within and across countries, and
integrating clinical and economic data from different sources to improve methods in economic evaluation in the context of HTA and health system performance measurement
ANICARE - ERASMUS+ project Educate animal welfare as farming opportunity
Anicare is a European project supporting the teaching of animal welfare. It offers an innovative educational approach based on filmed animal husbandry practices and an Aniphi exchange platform, with a view to encouraging critical, ethical and creative thinking, with respect for the animal and the farmer. Curricula for trainers and farmers suggest pedagogical guidelines, methods and tools.