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About Us

About Us


CEGIST, the Centre for Management Studies of Instituto Superior Técnico, is a multidisciplinary research unit integrated in an engineering school that aims to explore and reinforce the links between management science and engineering approaches to stimulate creativity in problem-solving. CEGIST core research is focused on five main areas: DECISion science and management engineerING (DECISING), Systems modelling and Methods of Operations reSearch And analytICs (MOSAIC), Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (SEI), Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management (OpLog) and SUSTainable solutions and Assessment for cIrcular ecoNomy Systems (SUSTAINS). 


CEGIST’s overall objective is to promote research opportunities associated with the development of knowledge, processes, tools, and methods required to make decisions and to shape public policies, to configure organizational structures and normative systems, to design engineering systems in sustainable patterns, and to solve problems associated with the information-intensive technology-based economy. Combining its different strengths, CEGIST manages and develops multi-diverse projects that aim to provide solutions and solve problems.

Direction Board
Advisory Board

Elena Fernández

Full Professor
University of Cádiz

Gregory Parnell

Professor of Practice
University of Arkansas

Heriberto Cabezas

Research Professor
University of Miskolc

Nilay Shah

Professor and Head of Department
Imperial College London

Roy Thurik

Erasmus University Rotterdam


Encontra-se aberto concurso para atribuição de 2 Bolsas de Investigação, uma bolsa de doutoramento e/ou bolsa de mestrado, no âmbito do projeto Nº 016696 (PTDC/BIM-MEC/2968/2018), na sequência da c

Diretora do CIO, Teresa Costa, foi convidada como oradora principal para uma das mais importantes conferências internacionais de neurociência.