10 | REDUCED INEQUALITIES Reduce inequality within and among countries Learn More Projects (0) There are currently no projects for this Sustainable Development Goal. Pagination Publications (0) There are currently no publications for this Sustainable Development Goal. Pagination Theses (17) The Role of Digitalization in Reducing Energy Poverty Sustainable supply chain management under water stress – exploring the use of industrial symbiosis alternatives The effects of energy accessibility on income inequality in Latin America and Caribbean countries Technological Change and Wage Inequality in Portugal Through the User’s Eye: A Mixed Methods Approach to Enhancing the Understanding of End User Needs in Health Information Technologies Satisfaction on the Tourism Sector A Bibliometric Analysis applied to the Hospitality Sector Policies to Minimize the Socio-economic Impact of SARS-CoV-2: An International Comparison Determinants of inpatient satisfaction: a systematic review and meta-analysis Risk Analysis and Modelling Case Study of a Portuguese Codfish Processing Company Sustainable footwear solutions for the scrap tyre sector. Developing predictive analytics tools to forecast the influx of emergency patients. Consumer Behavior regarding Corporate Social Responsibility Policies. Economic and financial analysis of Portuguese EPE hospitals. A comparative analysis on efficiency using slacks-based DEA, standard DEA versus network DEA. The case study of José de Mello Saúde. A socio-technical approach to assist the selection of medical devices in hospital settings: Process improvement in an anesthesiology context Pagination Page 1 Next page ››