Margarida Catalão-Lopes
Professor Associado
Instituto Superior Técnico
Margarida Catalão Lopes holds a PhD in Economics (Nova SBE, 1999) and Habilitation in Economics (ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa, 2013). She is Associate Professor at Universidade de Lisboa and a member of CEGIST, the Centre for Management Studies of Instituto Superior Técnico - Universidade de Lisboa. She has published in several peer-reviewed international journals, covering different areas of Economics, Strategy, and Management, including games, corporate social responsibility and energy transition.
Scientific Annals of Economics and Business | 2023
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics | 2023
Business Strategy and the Environment | 2023
Theory and Decision | 2023
Duarte Brito
Survival analysis of cancer patients in Portugal following the reference centre model implementation
The European Journal of Health Economics | 2023
Grupos de Investigação
SEI - Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
CHARADE - Challenges for energy access in a decarbonized economy
Energy is the chief traded commodity worldwide and the meta-resource that drives all other commodities, as well as providing most of the essential goods and services. It is, therefore, an important pillar for economic and social development (Xu et al., 2022; Carrilho-Nunes, 2021). A rapid transformation of the energy system needs to take place to mitigate climate change. In line with goal 13 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), urgent action must be taken to combat climate change and its impacts.
AVD - Advances in Vertical Differentiation: theory and applications
The aim of this project is to contribute to the literature on vertical differentiation (VD) models with endogenous quality, both in terms of theory as well as applications. The project will study firms’ decisions regarding the quality of their products when unit costs increase with quality. We will develop theoretical models and validate them using experimental economics. We will take the housing market (HM) as our leading application
Advances on Dynamic Games of Incomplete Information: Theory and Applications
The aim of this project was to contribute to the literature on dynamic games of incomplete information, both in terms of theory as well as applications. At the theoretical level there were two issues that we wanted to study: Perfect Bayesian equilibrium in matching games and sequential signaling. At the applied level our objectives were to develop a model of signaling advertising by a multiproduct firm, a model of predatory dumping based on incomplete information and a limit pricing model based on economies of scope.