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Mariana Bettencourt Medeiros Oliveira

Aluno de Doutoramento

Centro de Estudos de Gestão do Instituto Superior Técnico


Mariana Oliveira is a researcher at Centre for Management Studies in Instituto Superior Técnico (IST). She received her MSc in Biomedical Engineering in December 2018 in IST. For her master thesis, she developed an optimization system for elective surgeries scheduling in Centre Hospitalier Universitaire du Québec, in Canada. She received an award as the 2nd runner-up for the best presentation by an early career operational researcher in 2019. In February 2020, Mariana enrolled in the Engineering and Management PhD at IST, and is currently working on her thesis titled "Developing Strategies to Improve Operating Room Management" under the supervision of Professor Daniel Santos and Professor Ana Barbosa-Póvoa. Currently, she is also a member of the research teams in two projects named "ImproveOR: Building Decision Support Tools for Improved Operating Room Management" and "Service Integration in Healthcare: Balancing stakeholder interests and workflows in operating rooms", which aim to improve the operating rooms efficiency using optimization methods. She published 3 papers in specialized journals and 2 book chapters, and her work was presented in 19 national and international conferences. She supervised  a total of 10 master students. Her main research focus are the operations and logistics management, namely the development of mathematical models and processes optimization.


XII Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Investigação Operacional | 2022

Daniel Santos

Ana Barbosa-Povoa

Boletim Associação Portuguesa de Investigação Operacional | 2022

Daniel Santos

Ana Barbosa-Povoa

Paulo Abreu

Maria Meneses

Maria Lopes

48th Annual Meeting of the Euro Working Group on Operational Research Applied to Health Services | 2022

Daniel Santos

Gonçalo Bico

Mónica Oliveira

Grupos de Investigação


ImproveOR - Decision support tools for better quality in operating rooms management

The ImproveOR project aims at improving efficiency in surgical care delivery and at improving access to surgical care, as a result of an increase of the operating room responsiveness to surgical demand and a better coordination between surgical supply and demand. Decision support tools are developed combining optimization approaches to assist resource capacity planning decisions in the operating room with structured participatory approaches to capture stakeholders’ views and preferences regarding the surgical patient flows and the planning and scheduling of surgeries.