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Ana Isabel Cerqueira de Sousa Gouveia Carvalho

Professor Associado

Instituto Superior Técnico


Ana Isabel Carvalho is an Associate Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico. She obtained her PhD in Chemical Engineering in 2009 by Instituto Superior Técnico in collaboration with Technical University of Denmark. She has created and she is actually the principal investigator of SUSTAINS - SUSTainable solutions and Assessment for cIrcular economy Systems, a group dedicated to research on sustainability practices in a circular economy perspective and sustainability assessment tools, conducting theoretical and practical research in three main topics: 1) Developing sustainable operations and supply chains solutions towards circular economy systems; 2) Economic, Environmental and Social evaluation through Life Cycle Assessment methodologies; and 3) Development of decision support tools for sustainability implementation and monitoring. She has been invited to give seminars in different institutions as for example the Environmental Protection Agency in USA. She has been awarded by more than 20 national and international awards, in pedagogical and scientific activities (e.g. Sustainable Engineering Forum Student Paper Award- AIChE, Green Project Awards). She has published more than 90 papers in peered review journals and international conferences indexed in Scopus. She was the coordinator of the development of the new National Plan for Circular Economy (PAEC), supported by the Portuguese Environmental Agency (APA) and she is currently the coordinator of the project ISLANDS (Implementing Sustainable Low And Non-chemical Development in SIDS) financed by the United Nations Environment Program (~2M€).


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Grupos de Investigação

SUSTAINS - SUSTainable solutions and Assessment for cIrcular ecoNomy Systems

SUSTAINS - SUSTainable solutions and Assessment for cIrcular economy Systems (SUSTAINS) is branch of CEGIST dedicated to research on sustainability practices in a circular economy perspective and sustainability assessment tools, conducting theoretical and practical research in three main topics: 1) Developing sustainable operations and supply chains solutions towards circular economy systems; 2) Economic, Environmental and Social evaluation through Life Cycle Assessment methodologies; and 3) Development of decision support tools for sustainability implementation and
