2 | ZERO HUNGER End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture Learn More Projects (0) There are currently no projects for this Sustainable Development Goal. Pagination Publications (0) There are currently no publications for this Sustainable Development Goal. Pagination Theses (24) Analysis and optimization of JMD’s distribution chain - The Case Study of JMD Viabilidade económica de um projeto de investimento pecuário: a área da suinicultura como estudo de caso Using multicriteria decision analysis to measure the value of different scenarios of replacement of beef by pulses in two EU countries Optimizing Supply Chain Management Practices to Reduce Water Loss Related With Food Waste Public Investment in sports and culture and public health – a longitudinal study Imagining the future with citizens: Driver validation in a participatory foresight approach for assessing animal products consumption patterns in the future Examining the factors that influence the intention to reuse food delivery apps in Portugal Agri-Food Supply Chain Resilience with Blockchain Application On the use of dark stores in omnichannel last-mile distribution Food Loss and Waste Valorisation in Agri-Food Supply Chains The case of Jerónimo Martins Definição de gama de produtos em supermercados de proximidade Satisfaction of healthcare consumers. Analysis and comparison of different methodologies. Food Losses and Waste in the Fruit and Vegetable Supply Chain: Case Study Grupo Jerónimo Martins. Performance evaluation methodology in the agri-food industry. The case of Raporal. Interlinkages of energy SDG 7, poverty SDG 1 and inequalities SDG 10 in the context of the 17 SDGs. Pagination Page 1 Next page ››